The lamb lives in the nature with harmony, free from religion, culture, morality and civilization blockings. The lamb may live a lifestyle like an Arab tribe lives in the desert, like Robinson Crusoe or like a proud Indian, perhaps like the Negro who resisted the colonialism in Franz Fanon’s book – Black skin, White Masks (1952). The astrological Aries sign is an ancient creature, a tribal creature with survival instincts, spontaneous and focused on the present dimension of here and now. The animals connected to him are the Wolf and hawk. The painter Matisse once said – the artist must look at the world as a child, otherwise the originality will be lost. The painter Wassily Kandinsky believed that a child expresses an inner world in a direct and powerful way, without the adult’s normative.
A nice representation of Aries happened in literature. It took place on 6th of April 1943 with the appearance of a little prince called de Saint-Exupéry. The book addresses the child in us. The part in the book where the engine of the plane in the desert is repaired and the meeting between the child and the pilot is symbolic, finding the inner child hidden in each of us (the Lamb incidentally is also related to machinery and motors). The Little Prince is an Aries protestation against the heavy, repulsive world of Capricorn adults. The protest is by emphasizing the magic of spontaneity and lack of inhibition, or in the language of Exupery – “the things hidden from the eye”. The little prince transforms from one star to another, his Aries message is replacing rationalism with creative imagination. This also happens in the famous film of Steven Spielberg, E.T, when the child reaches his hand. The police and scientists can’t cure the child, even after countless tests and the use of sophisticated equipment. E.T recovers because of the love of the child, he gives him vitality and his heart beats again.
The philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau expressed an Aries perception regarding the term “the savage human who is noble” (1754), which appeared in his writings and claimed that the child is literally close to nature. In his book “Emil” (1762), he recommended the children to read “Robinson Crusoe” and learn how to integrate with nature and natural society. Mark Twain perhaps felt the same when he wrote Huckleberry Finn, Hack helps Jim (the Negro) to escape down the Mississippi while denying The white norms of black slavery in America, actually using the image of the white Mrs. Watson.
Bilby is an Aries character, with freckles on her face and red hair. She is Rebellious, doesn’t listen to adults in the book of the auther Ledgren (1945), she is brutal, independent and adventurous, she reflects freedom and space of an Aries child which releases himself from cables and restrictions. Aries is given a literary and cinematic expression in James Fenimore Cooper’s works, he describes a noble Indian as “The Last of the Mohicans” in the character of Hockai (played by the actor Danielle Lewis) who took part in the war between the British and French in America in the mid-18th century. Philosophers as Edward Said (Orientalism ,1979) , Franz Fanon (Black skin, white masks 1952) and Joseph Conrad (Heart of the Darkness, 1899) deal with the Aries idea,when Sayid focuses on the polar tension between Aries and Libra of the Aries ‘culture’ towards the ‘other’ person – the Islam, the East and the whole Arab culture. Its reasonable that the western Libra invented the East to perpetuate colonialism. The western Libra needs the oriental Aries, native, primitive, the black oriental human… “in order to be polite…”, “civilized…”, a dialect between the one wearing the “Galabiah” (the Arab tradition clothing) , sitting on a stool, smoking ‘hookah’ and playing backgammon in the market of Marrakech… and between the Libra London mistress on her way to a polite teatime. This resembles a Victorian morality facing the black emptiness. Franz Fannon, The black psychiatrist from Martinique, exaggerates the polar tension of Libra-Aries in his claim that the influence of the white colonialism on the black people is so overwhelming, that the Negro human eventually kills the white human in order to get rid of the white characteristics that penetrated into him… Aries returned to its original identity, Libra, and was eliminated outside and inside. Conrad thinks that the white human is brutal, he uses the black human, like the ivory merchant who winks on his journey down the Congo River, the imperialist human who is oppressing the black human. This is probably how the Mau Mau thought about fighting the English men. The Libric Europe, according to Conrad, is the brutal one here. The basic assumption is the inferiority of Aries dealing with the polar tension, built in the zodiac, as an archetypal model of the human soul (both at the level of the individual and the level of the group).
Captain Cook and his sailors were drawn to the exotic Aries girls in Hawaii. When Captain Cook was murdered, the Aries ”noble savage” lost his magic (As the philosopher Rousseau’s expressed), and the beautiful girls probably looked less attractive despite the bare breasts crowned with flowers. Astrology binds body and soul without separation, Aries is represented physically with the head, this is where the Indian scalping motif takes place, the victory over the white man. The Indians probably didn’t hear about René Descartes (Aries…) but with the scalping he wants to emphasize the importance of the body no less than the head… the natives and tribe people mark themselves physically with Burn-in and body marks, engraved inside and cruel rituals which are connected to men’s cruelty of Mars and to the Phallic sexuality. Aries is the sign of dancing, which is connected in the point of view of the Tribes to sexual attraction and Libra polarized romantic response. There are also war dances. Because Aries is physical connected to the head in a package deal, the helmet and hats are also attached. This is, probably, the reason why Elton John (Aries 25.3.1947) allows the naked girl in his famous poem to leave the hat on her head .. So as Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex and the City (25.3.1965) , an Aries women, is known by her love to hats.