Tommy Hilfiger once said: “I can’t sell a shirt without a logo.” Wallets, perfumes, and other cosmetics are with meaning to the purchaser. The purchase brings a sense of belonging, the perfume makes you rich for a short time, the item connects us to a high status, and the label of a designer becomes a symbol of nobility. A new fashion is shown on television and on websites. “Selfi” photos on social networks increase the dimension of being in fashion. The aesthetic power of Libra sign is seen in Channel E, when the program’s director stands at the entrance (in the American Film Academy Award) and doesn’t ask about the film’s content but the celebrities clothing. Designers understand the potential profit they might have by the fact that the celebrity will wear their clothes, so they rush to provide them with these. The public will see the newest look of “fame and fortune”. Aphrodite ornaya, which is the divine Aphrodite, receives a physical concrete expression for all who look at her.
The Model – the representation of Earth-celestial Aphrodite/Venus moves in the pattern of models on the runway. This path is with mathematics, proportions, and symmetry … 90-60-90 (For the lovers of the numerology, the connection of the escapee will give 24 =2+4= 6 – the mystical number of Venus …). They give the Celestial Formula (at least in a platonic point of view) … to a national expression, even only for a moment … the momently will leave the celestial dimension at the end of the show. We can look but not touch. The body of the Libra model is an artistic work, although it’s a human body, but it’s unique among most observing women. It’s unique, exclusive, there are not many women like her. The model is indifferent, expressionless and unattainable. She is located as an upper Libra race, she is desired, a heavenly ideal of Aphrodite. Her purpose is to wear clothes and show the impossible, the perfection of the Platonic idea of beauty, proportions and aesthetics. Show the connection between heaven and earth. The embodiment of the astrological archeology in its purity.
In the 1990’s, we witnessed a rise in the phenomenon of the supermodel. This was expressed in the polarity of Aries and Libra and their two way flow. When Vogue magazine introduced Linda Evangelista, Christie Turlington, Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell on the title pages, defining them as the leading models of the world, it wasn’t just their beauty that spoke, it was the polarity of Aries that responded with mystical circular compensation to the beauty of Libra – to be the first, to lead. The idea of Libra’s beauty gained her with status of an eternity model and gave high prestige to her collection of clothes, their presence on the runway is an indication that the designer has enough money and influence to hire their services. Modeling is a “market” of Libra-Aries mix, beauty has a short period of time, and it’s momentary, temporary, rhythmic and subjective to the clock of the human body. In this market, getting to the top is for very few people. In this market – the winner takes it all.
The model reflects the “Sartrean totalitarian” in her airy walk on the runway, turns the viewer into the “victim of fashion.” The person whose self-esteem and inner image derives from the brands he wears, is emptied of his independent, brand less personality, he becomes what Baudelaire calls – the captivating “amusing glaze” of the divine cake. Indeed the cakes glaze, and not the cake itself. The majority’s preferences become a pattern that reduces the space of our personal preferences and intimacy. The display window rises, a form replaces the content. This is a deep human tendency, not only in New York or Paris, but also in the Calahari Desert in Africa. The tribe’s girls continue to apply animal oil on their skin to add moisture, even in times of starvation. Thus, we spend more money on beauty than on education. This is the power of Libra, she is visual, and you can see her. But let’s take another step on the scale of the Libra and Astrology of Venus. The fashion, the model, the celebrity, the brand and the precious clothing – help us. They release us from the intensity of the moment and the present of the exhibition, from the depths of the soul and our mental stress as human beings. The deep philosophical questions about ourselves and life, for a moment, fades into the dazzling beauty and aesthetics of perfect proportions. Thus, the model frees the soul, there is no place at the moment for it, the center of vision is larger than other areas.. Look and let go, buy now and belong to the right square.
The measurement booth will do what the psychologist won’t do for sure. Self-image. Prestige, beauty and status will expel the confusing thoughts and soul-searching. Libra, then, is also lucky to unleash inner content into an external reality, such as – the media and social networks. A kind of aesthetic shock on the one hand, and a common drug on the other. The model, folds the present time of aesthetic and beauty, liberates and releases for a moment the chronological time itself, the emotionally burden time that impairs the externality. Libra, in the order of human consciousness, is also a victory over the dimension of time, even only for a moment, it’s nevertheless a great morphine against pain. The Aries does it like scoring a goal in football … the model does the same thing just without muscles. The model will get old, and next year will come a new Venus model. The model is temporary, Venus-Aphrodite is eternal from the world of Plato. The aesthetic presents a world that belongs to the aesthetic surgeries, the spa clubs, and the fitness of Aries, the silicon..
Thomas Mahn mentioned in his book, “Death in Venice”: beauty is a longing rout of the spirit’s soul coming towards the body. The Greek scholar, Crispos, claimed the beauty doesn’t derive from elements but from proportions and harmony of the pieces. Both are key words in the world of Libra. Furthermore, beauty refers to a short period of time: the plentiful women of Renuar were once the ideal of beauty (for Muslim men, they still are and being paid a higher bride price), with busty breast and heavy weight. Afterwards, Twigi- the skinny woman, appeared to be the ideal of Libra.