The Pyramids and the Sphinx in Giza, near Cairo, show more than anything the power of astrology and the power of astrological knowledge from ancient Egyptian culture. The Egypt people had a ritual, called the sacred bull, which was connected to the God Serapis. The Egyptian national anthem was based on an Ox pushing and opening the doors to spring season. According to the principle of polarity, compensation and opposites complement each other, Egypt’s Ox era strongly increased Scorpio’s sign and led to a dominant expression of systemic-group observation. Scorpio represents, from an astrological point of view, the idea of death and rebirth. Egypt of the Ox era became Scorpio in his essence, in his external and internal characteristics, which is the pyramid world, Sphinx and the obelisks at Luxor, most of which express a massive Material intensity of the Taurus sign. These dimensions, however, were intended to express the Egyptians intensive preoccupation with the Scorpio’s death (One of the powerful Ramses evils was called “King of Scorpio”). The Pharaohs dealt with the ritual of the dead people, but the dead person undergoes a change, a Scorpio metamorphosis of death and rebirth, this time he turned into God.
The rebirth of Scorpio is represented by the idea of Mummification of the Pharaoh and his burial in the pyramid. Egyptian Pharaoh doesn’t give up on the physical Taurus body, it’s just an intermediate station on his journey, to renewal and for life in another dimension. Embalming is a Scorpio act, since its goal is to preserve and renew in the divine world. The pyramid is the “anchor” of the polarity of Taurus-Scorpio, as a place of death and rebirth. A kind of “intermediate station”.
The Sphinx represents perfectly the polarity between the signs Leo – Aquarius. This flow and bonding between Leo and Aquarius, which is also embodied in the giant Ox’s for thousands of years, shows the deep understanding of the Egyptians to the cosmological constancy and its connection to time, periods of times and the human psyche. The Scorpio has within him the deep understanding of the Egyptian soul, which observes and see’s life as a narrow corridor follows to the next thing- to death. The pharaohs took gold and property to their graves, quantities that even amazed the researchers of the pyramids.
This shows their strong belief in reincarnation of the Scorpio and renewal. This is the time to mention that the exodus of the Jews from Egypt represents a different spiritual view based on the choice to live, and not to die, without the Egyptian Pharaonic dramatization. After crossing the Red Sea, the twelve tribes (which represent the twelve signs of the zodiac) appear as a pyramidal astrological knowledge from Egypt, the Pillar of Fire (the element of fire) that preceded the camp at night, the pillar of cloud (the element of air) which navigated at day and the split of the Red Sea completes the elements of water and land. This time, from a majeure force, without any material representation built out of stones, Moses breaks the Golden Calf – this message is a deep philosophical Jewish message. The material doesn’t buy an exclusivity on human consciousness. This is a difference from the Egyptian material dimension, this is the Egyptian pyramid materialism of Taurus. The Jewish people focus only on God and His commandments. Another emphasis is the eating from the “tree of knowledge” which brings to mind the awareness and language. All these are not materialism. From the Judaism’s point of view, the world is a result of information, materialism only obeys to information. If Adam and Eve would have eaten from the tree of life, it would have been the Egyptian Pharaonic symbol of total faith in the body and the physical, of life forever. In Christianity, the tormented body of Jesus is the atonement for the original sin. Eating from the Tree of Knowledge upgrades awareness of Taurus’s nudity = Scorpio’s nudity, it awakes the sin of Materialistic carnality which is momentary and temporal. This reaction stems from fear, the fact that the physical existence is limited, passes. This is how they expressed their lack of faith in the eternity of God, they were expelled from the Garden of Eden to work the land with sweat, as stated in Genesis 3:17.
“”…The earth is cursed for you; in sadness you will eat, for the rest of your life…”. There is a hypothesis in the polarity of Scorpio and Taurus: the human, because of the physical-material dimension of Taurus, is actually present in his sin and therefore must transcend the physical-material-body existence of Taurus, which brings to the illusion of temporality and “buys” a material and sexual grasp in human consciousness. This is a limitation that must be overcome. The Messianic mission of Jesus, the Son of God, is to die on the cross. The Author Hannah Schechter in her book – “The Bible as a metaphor” (2008), argues that the person who wrote the story about the Tree of Knowledge, met the Egyptian culture and believed in the immortality of humans who are left in their body forever, if not in the visible world, then perhaps in the world after death. The prohibition to eat from the tree of life, is a defiance against the exclusiveness of the astrologist Taurus sign, who “grabbed” the era of Taurus together with the Egyptian’s soul. Eating from the Tree of knowledge brings compensation that creates awareness to eternity of a different kind. It creates life, continuity of descendant instead of being immortal in a body, eternity will be reflected in the chain of generations.
Taurus is the sign of buying and property. When a person “knows His wife and makes her pregnant”, Eve says in her Taurus way: “I bought a man, I bought God”, the meaning of bought is “I created”. Man is a triple production product: God, Man and Woman. Schechter (239) claims that only after eating from the tree of knowledge, a man knows that he can’t eat from the tree of life. “I will be where I will be “(says God to Moses, Exodus C-14), implies futurism and open options, rather than Astrological circularity as a concept of Egypt. Linearity is replacing circularity, freedom of choice replaces determinism. In the Bible there is no alternative world, and there is no need for alternative world in the thought of the Bible. After Every step in creation, God says: “that’s good”. The exodus of the Jews from Egypt is therefore a conceptual and philosophical revolution, the Bible is a reaction against the Egyptian concept of the exclusiveness of Taurus=Scorpio. The Bible prohibits the illustration of God and worshiping of statues. The abstract can’t become tangible and create a deterministic materialistic trend in the human psyche. Judaism is focused on the language and replaces the Taurus territory with the written inheritance- books.
The psychological problem of Taurus stems from the fear which comes from Scorpio’s polarity, fear from destruction that can lead to increased materialism, excessive consumption and non-proportional sexual emphasis. The Exodus from Egypt, in a certain sense, is the parable of the story “Lech Lecha” which Abraham was the sign for a variety of possibilities, in the free choice that God gave to humans. In order to gain the possibility to choose, one must give up on the old Taurus territory, if this will “buy” the exclusive installation in humans, it will lead to the Egyptian deterministic concept. Another focus of the Bible on the material Taurus question is in the story of Korach and his people (Numbers, 16). The people are absorbed by the ground and go alive to the netherworld… the netherworld and everything beneath the ground are considered Scorpio in astrology. This is a biblical warning which points on the dangers in the material physical conception of Taurus sign.
The Ten Commandment says: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house … your neighbor’s wife … his ox … and his truth …”. A man must overcome the lust for possessiveness and property, as subject to the polarity of Taurus-Scorpio, one must avoid Scorpio’s jealousy for another person because of his money and property. We can see the ‘Mitzva Shmita’ as a limitation and a Taurus minority of the earth in Judaism. In the Shmita year, the land, which is used well by the people who work it, goes back to God’s ownership, God “buys” its new right to renew itself and renew its reproductive powers.